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Donate Now

Please help more young dancers persue their passion and fulfill their dreams.

The Du Boisson Dance Foundation's mission is to help those in need of financial support to pay

ballet lessons, fees, physio, uniform, etc.


Your support can make children's dreams come true:

£14 pays for a class / 22 pays for two classes per week

£56 pays for a physio/medical care for a student in need

£100 pays for pointe shoes and ballet shoes for 6 months

£300 pays for fees and uniform for 2 classes a week for one term

£1000 pays for a child to attend 3 classes a week for a whole year


Changing Lives - Step By Step. All support greatly appreciated!


There are many different ways to donate:


Bank Transfer: Barclays Bank

Sort Code: 20-74-63

Account No: 30824941


Cheque payable to The Du Boisson Dance Foundation

Send to: The Du Boisson Studios, 25 Bulwer Street, London W12 8AR



or Click Image below

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